Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Husband Tag

So no one actually "tagged" me- I put myself in the game... Anyone who reads this is allowed to play... just invite yourself in like I did!

What is his name? Rob

What is his favorite color? Baby Blue

How long have we been married? 2 years yesterday

How long did we date? hehe, before we got engaged? 2 months after we got engaged? 3 months

How old is he? 29

Who eats more? He's got a much bigger appetite than I do... but he's pretty careful.

Who said I love you first? He did... right after he said I was so cute!

Who is taller? Rob

Who is smarter? Rob is very intelligent... but I would say we each have our strengths and weaknesses.

Who pays the bills? He does.

Who does the laundry? I do, unless he beats me to it.

Who cooks dinner? I do. I'm a great cook (beyond the hard-boiling egg microwave disaster.)

Who drives when together? We split it although he definitely tries to pawn it off on me for long trips.

Who is more stubborn? Rob... definitely.

Who is the first to admit when wrong. It's pretty equal. We take turns.

Who wears the pants in the family? We don't wear pants.

Who mows the lawn? Rob does... and our neighbors on each side!

Who kissed who first? Rob kissed me first but I was half way to his face already.

Who asked who out first? Rob asked me- well, actually we dated over the he called me.

Who proposed? Rob

What is my favorite thing about him? He is so good to me. He is a great dad and a great husband and tries so hard to make sure we're all taken care of. He makes me laugh and isn't afraid to be a complete idiot so that we can goof around. He definitely makes me feel special and so lucky that he's mine. I am never left wanting for anything and his kind heart and desire to be a good man are so endearing that it infects me with the desire to be a better wife and mother. He brings out the best in me. I know he loves me and he makes me want to do all that I can to make sure he knows that I love him back.

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